Euthanasia and Alzheimer’s: the story of an announced slippage


Montreal, February 24, 2017 – The murder of a woman suffering from Alzheimer’s disease on Monday in Montreal resulted in new pressure to extend euthanasia; this time to make it accessible to incapacitated people. While an investigation into the circumstances of the tragedy is still ongoing, all political parties have jumped at this opportunity to draw their own conclusion: we ...

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A First Year of Euthanasia in Quebec


Montreal, January 24, 2017 – December 10th 2016 marked the end of the first year of euthanasia in Quebec, better known under the euphemism “medical aid in dying”.

Living with Dignity is very concerned that the government of Quebec is prioritizing euthanasia to the detriment of significant improvements in palliative care, which were promised by the Couillard government prior to the coming into force of the Act Respecting End-of-Life Care.We are also concerned about the issues raised by the study published ...

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Euthanasia releases me but betrays my loved ones

Aubert Martin explains that in legalizing euthanasia, society has crowned the splendor of individualism in balancing the weight of two pains: the suffering of an individual versus the suffering of their relatives. They have decreed that the suffering of relatives should not be considered in calculating the benefit of euthanasia. Read more >>

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Compassion redefined

Blog post published by Aubert Martin in the Huffington Post after recent cases of people who starve to be euthanized according to the criteria of the law. This wave of advocacy for suicide leads supporters of euthanasia to validate reasons for wanting to die. At the same time, people with severe disabilities are cunningly deprived of indisputable status of “human being” for the sole reason that they cannot “do it all by themselves” Read the article >>

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