Legalizing assisted suicide in other states has led to a rise in overall suicide rates — assisted and unassisted — in those states.
Continue Reading → The dangerously contagious effect of assisted-suicide laws
Legalizing assisted suicide in other states has led to a rise in overall suicide rates — assisted and unassisted — in those states.
Continue Reading → The dangerously contagious effect of assisted-suicide laws
Suicide contagion and media responsibility.
Continue Reading → Reality TV for toffs: The Economist and euthanasia
Scenarios that opponents of legal assisted suicide have conjured for decades but dismissed as a slippery slope arguments.
Continue Reading → How Belgium went down the slippery slope of assisted suicide
In the beginning euthanasia was seen as a last resort in a situation of extreme physical suffering. Now, increasingly, euthanasia is considered to be a patient's right and is considered by some even to be a fashionable death."
Continue Reading → ‘Unthinkable in the beginning’ the dynamics of euthanasia laws
She fears there could be pressure on health professionals to use doctor assisted death to free up hospital beds if patients have consented in advance. “I am calling it death by doctor, not death with the assistance of a doctor, but death when the doctor decides you are going to die,” she said. “I don’t think health professionals want that as an approach.”
Continue Reading → Hospitals should be able to opt out of doctor-assisted death, expert says