Elder abuse in Canada is a serious problem and, with euthanasia and assisted suicide legalized in Canada, the “right to die” may be determined for the elderly.
Continue Reading → Elder Abuse, Power of Attorney/Substitute Decision making
Elder abuse in Canada is a serious problem and, with euthanasia and assisted suicide legalized in Canada, the “right to die” may be determined for the elderly.
Continue Reading → Elder Abuse, Power of Attorney/Substitute Decision making
The ever-expanding circle of eligibility for euthanasia in the Netherlands now includes alcoholism. Writing in the Dutch magazine Linda, journalist Marcel Langedijk describes the life and death of his alcoholic brother Mark.
Continue Reading → Netherlands offers euthanasia for alcoholics
Having refused to euthanize patients, two Winnipeg hospitals found themselves facing criticism from an ethicist on the CBC. According to some, this is a case of selective outrage on the part of the CBC.
Continue Reading → CBC’s attack on anti-euthanasia hospitals is ‘selective outrage’
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The imbalance of seeing assisted suicide rather than comprehensive care as “mercy” will only be corrected when palliative care becomes a cornerstone of Canadian health care.
Continue Reading → Palliative care bill is a must to offset assisted suicide