Assisted suicide laws are universally flawed because they fail to account for the fact that terminal illness diagnoses are sometimes a mistake.
Assisted suicide laws are universally flawed because they fail to account for the fact that terminal illness diagnoses are sometimes a mistake.
Right to die, euthanasia, dying with dignity, assisted suicide: the language around this debate is enormously loaded, and shapes the way we feel about it.
Continue Reading → Language as a battlefield: How we got from euthanasia to voluntary assisted dying
The gold standard for human experimentation is a randomly-assigned double-blind placebo-controlled study. Unfortunately, organising such a study to assess the effectiveness of the lethal medications used for executions in the United States and for physician-assisted suicide (PAS) has significant ethical issues. We need to rely upon historical data.
Continue Reading → Will assisted suicide always provide a quick and gentle death?
As early as 1993 we were warned that assisted suicide would lead conjoining organ donation with euthanasia “as a plumb to society.” That is happening now in Netherlands and Belgium–including of people with mental illnesses, no less.
Continue Reading → Opening Door to Assisted Suicide Organ Donors
The American College of Physicians, the second-largest physician group in the United States with 152,000 members, has declared that physician-assisted suicide (PAS) is unethical. Read more >>
Continue Reading → UNITED STATES: Major US doctors group slams physician-assisted suicide: