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Only weeks after the secretary of the Quebec College of Physicians, Dr. Yves Robert, wrote his May 10 reflection on whether the push for euthanasia has gone too far, two individuals have mounted a legal challenge against the Quebec law because of how restrictive it is. Aubert Martin, executive director of Living with Dignity, said Robert is now realizing euthanasia “has nothing to do” with doctors’ “medical competence, but is asking them to be a rubber stamp of someone’s request ...
Continue Reading → Doctor who promoted Quebec’s euthanasia law having second thoughts
A physician not willing to arrange the killing of a patient is now seen by some as causing harm. While that is debatable in our pluralistic society, what is clear is that the protection of the patient’s life has always been the foundation for the trust in the patient-physician relationship.
Continue Reading → We are a nation of laws and conscience
June 15 is World Elder Abuse Awareness Day. Timed to coincide with this international day, the Australian Law Reform Commission has released its final report into a long-running inquiry on Elder Abuse and the Law.
Continue Reading → Elder abuse is a clear and present danger in the euthanasia debate
Right to life asks how can members of parliament seriously support the government’s suicide prevention strategy and at the same time support the end of life choice bill which if passed will have the government paying doctors to kill their patients or assist in their suicide?
Continue Reading → Why is Parliament Not Serious About Preventing Suicide?