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Continue Reading → Links between MAID, euthanasia and suicide
UK actress Claire King has announced she is seriously pondering euthanasia due to fears of being a “burden” when she can no longer care of herself. We can all empathize with those fears. But note: King’s desire to die has to do with existential anguish, not unbearable pain, which is euthanasia’s selling point.
Continue Reading → Euthanasia Abandons Despairing People to Their Worst Fears
A book review of Max Chochinov’s Dignity Therapy; a book explaining how palliative care workers can best maintain the dignity of their patients.
Continue Reading → If you have the ‘why’ of living, you can find the ‘how’
A list of reasons why people may want assisted suicide and answers to them.
Continue Reading → 5 Mistaken Reasons Why People Want Assisted Suicide
A study, published this month in the Journal of Pain and Symptom management, found almost three quarters of the patients surveyed (73%) had a spike in brain activity at the time of death.
Continue Reading → Dying patients study reveals ‘brain surge’ in final moments of life