Vol. 38 (décembre 2019)
New agreement on palliative home care
Dec. 4, 2019 - An agreement was reached between the government of Quebec and the general practitioners’ union of Quebec (FMOQ) on shortly deploying between 60 and 90 units of palliative home care in the province. This agreement occurs after several actors in the palliative care community publicly denounced what appeared as a blockage from the FMOQ. (FRENCH)
Only 14% of world population has access to palliative care services
Dec. 17, 2019 – This is what a recent research from the University of Glasgow has concluded. Led by Professor David Clark, the study found that only 30 countries from 198 in the world have sophisticated levels of palliative care provision that are fully integrated into the health and social care system
CHPCA excludes euthanasia from palliative care
In a "call to action" published November 27, the Canadian Hospice Palliative Care Association (CHPCA) reminded that euthanasia and assisted suicide are clearly distinct from palliative care services. The CHPCA also asked the federal and provincial governments to prioritize funding and improve access to hospice palliative care.
New article on our blog
Am I the same person when suffering from dementia ou Alzheimer? This article, looking at the philosophical arguments of the Filion-Maclure report, criticizes their recommendation of allowing advance euthanasia directives.
5 books to read in 2020
Our selection of recent books on the themes of end-of-life, palliative care, solidarity, dignity. (FRENCH)