A very nice initiative from Prima Communication. They prepared 11 posters and 2 videos to inform on the abuse of euthanasia and assisted suicide legislation.
The Liberal government is on the verge of reintroducing Bill 52 on the question of end-of-life (including "medical aid in dying" by lethal injection as well as the so-called safeguards from the Belgian model).
Yet, in 12 years, the Belgian safeguards have been abused and are falling down, one after the other.
Is this the face of Quebec in 10 years?
Download, print and display: the 11 posters of the UNMASK campaign.
For further information on this campaign, please visit the campaign's website by Prima Communication.
View the video "Is this the face of Quebec in 10 years?
Some definitions by M. Jean-Pierre Ménard and Dr Yves Robert:
Video in French only.