Lawsuit – Update

As you know, in July 2014 Living with Dignity and the Physicians' Alliance against Euthanasia filed a motion in the Superior Court, District of Montreal, to seek to have declared invalid all the provisions of An Act concerning end-of-life care dealing with  "medical aid in dying".

Following the catastrophic decision of the Supreme Court of Canada in Carter legalising physician-assisted suicide, and as we do not know how the federal government will react, we examined ...

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Incorrect prognosis could lead to untimely deaths

One of the risks related to the legalisation of euthanasia and assisted suicide is that prognosis aren't always correct. While modern medicine is able to relieve pain, it isn't always possible to predict the exact course of an illness or the outcome of an accident.

We've recently learned of a man who survived a serious motorcycle accident, and spent several weeks in a coma afterwards. His physicians were saying there was little ...

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The Carter decision authorizes only  assisted suicide

The judgment of the Supreme Court of Canada (SCC) in Carter is not very clear as to whether it intended to  decriminalize only a physician’s assistanceg to a person to commit suicide or whether it also intended to decriminalize euthanasia performed by a physician. In our opinion, the judgment decriminalizes only the assistance provided by a physician to a person to commit suicide, but not causing the death of a person. The decision is available ...

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Assisted death: Time to act

Once more, it is time to act on the issue of assisted suicide. Write to Prime Minister Stephen Harper and Justice Minister Peter MacKay, as well as to your MP, to ask them to use the notwithstanding clause of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms to counter the recent decision of the Supreme Court of Canada in the Carter case.

As you probably  know, the Supreme Court of Canada unanimously decided that in certain circumstances physiacian-assisted death ...

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Organ donation and euthanasia

Bernard Drainville wants Quebec to adopt "presumed consent" for organ donation. At first glance, this seems a reasonable policy to increase the number of organs available for people in need. But this policy is fraught with risks. I am not against organ donation, far from it! I am myself an organ donor and two members of my immediate family have benefited from organ donation. This is an issue that I know well.

However, ...

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