Healthcare reforms

A few months after the adoption of an Act respecting end-of-life care (previously Bill 52), Minister Gaétan Barrette wants to reform health and social services networks. But this reform is dangerous for the public.

Mr. Ménard, a well-known lawyer for the rights of patients, says in Le Devoir that “it goes much further than a simple reform of the structure. It goes backwards in terms of transparency, network independence and accountability, and the population doesn’t realise what is happening”. He ...

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Pro-euthanasia attack from all fronts

The pro-euthanasia activists pulled out all the stops today in an undisguised bid to influence the Supreme Court judges as they prepare to hear the Carter case next week.

First of all they present another survey, said to have found that a majority of Canadians wants doctors to prescribe lethal drugs to terminally ill patients. It’s not the first time this claim has been made. Without going into the questionable technique of using a ...

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Having fewer options to live will entice people to ask to die

Keeping its promise, the Couillard government is starting to cut services. The Agence de la santé et des services sociaux of Montreal will chop $87 million in mental health and in care for the elderly, starting this October. Among other cuts, hundreds of people with intellectual disabilities will lose the meagre compensation they receive.

We recently heard that a disabled man committed suicide rather than having to leave his apartment. A journalist commented that "he decided to end his ...

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Recent euthanasia numbers in the Netherlands

A report recently released in the Netherlands states that there was a 15% increase in the number of notifications of euthanasia in that country between 2012 and 2013. The report also tells us that there was a 33% increase in the number of euthanasias done on psychiatric patients (42 cases). The report further states that dementia was the reason behind more than 2% of all euthanasias (97 cases).

The number of reported euthanasias in the Netherlands is growing. In 2003, ...

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