Euthanasia – Facts, Numbers, Truth – Infographic

Euthanasia: The Truth, The Facts, The Numbers

Legalizing "medical aid in dying" (Bill 52)? The Quebec government hasn't told you that…

  • Modern medicine is able to relieve all physical pain.
  • "Medical aid in dying" is the injection of a poison that KILLS IMMEDIATELY.
  • "Medical aid in dying" is euthanasia, forbidden by the Criminal Code.
  • Bill 52 won't solve the lack of access to palliative care.
  • The provisions of Bill 52 aimed at legalizing euthanasia are unconstitutional.
  • Bill 52 ...

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Belgium adopts euthanasia for children. Quebec is likely to follow shortly after the adoption of Bill 52.

Montreal, December 12, 2013 – The Belgian Senate just voted the expansion of the euthanasia law to children in terminal phases of illnesses, or facing unbearable physical pain, without age limit. It has only taken 11 years for the Belgian law to be modified to allow the killing of children by euthanasia.

In Quebec, Bill 52, aiming to introduce medical aid in dying, is undergoing a detailed study in parliamentary commission. Medical aid in dying is an injection of a poison ...

Continue Reading → Belgium adopts euthanasia for children. Quebec is likely to follow shortly after the adoption of Bill 52.


We don’t let our dogs suffer, why should we do so with our sick?

In the debate on Bill 52 we often hear the argument that we don't let our pets suffer and so we shouldn't let our close ones suffer. This emotional argument is not too valid. There are many reasons why we euthanise our domestic animals and often they have nothing to do with suffering.

To be perfectly clear, the majority of dogs and cats that are euthanised do not suffer. They are simply killed because they have become deadweight to their owner.

Ministère de ...

Continue Reading → We don’t let our dogs suffer, why should we do so with our sick?


The dangers of Bill 52 for people living with disabilities

Bill 52, a law concerning end of life care, represents an enormous risk for vulnerable groups such as our elderly and people with disabilities. If it is adopted, this bill could indeed apply to people with disabilities. Despite its title and what is reported by the media the eligibility criteria don't mention end-of-life. The Bills' article 26 aims to define who could access medical aid in dying. This article specifies that a person could be euthanised if he meets the following criteria :

  1. Must be fit and have reached the age of ...

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CTV News Channel interview with Nicolas Steenhout

Yesterday the general director of Living with Dignity, Nicolas Steenhout, gave an interview to CTV News Channel on the subject of Bill 52.

You can see the interview in its entirety (in English) on the CTV News Channel site.

Here are the main questions and answers :

Q: What exactly is the big deal?

A: It's impossible to set guidelines for a law like this, despite what minister Hivon says. They just have to examine what is happening in Belgium. Bill 52 was closely modeled on Belgian law. There are ...

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