Euthanasia: Aggressive legislation. From a solidary life to a solitary death.

An absolute must-read:

A. et J.-F. Roseau are students in medicine and public-affairs (Paris VII-Diderot et Sciences Po Paris).

Euthanasie : l'acharnement législatif | Causeur


How similar the debates are! The title says much on our incapacity as a society to really live together without discrimination towards the most vulnerable: i.e people in end-of-life, the sick, the elderly who are alone and neglected. In the medias we hear about the loss of autonomy of the sick or of people afflicted with ...

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A nurse struck off for having allowed a patient to sleep

For having allowed an emergency patient to sleep instead of doing a complete clinical evaluation, a nurse is stricken for six months.

July 15th 2008 was a very busy night for Chantal B.-Caron and her colleagues. Not long after midnight, a patient presented herself to the emergency room complaining of a headache. According to the judgement of l'Ordre des infirmiers et infirmières du Québec (OIIQ), the patient was «demanding and difficult».

Mrs Caron did not then perform a complete clinical evaluation which ...

Continue Reading → A nurse struck off for having allowed a patient to sleep


Euthanasia: What do patients really think?

This question should join with the reality of Quebecers ( as much that of the patients and of the healthgivers, as heard at the commission).

Can we gauge the feelings of the French regarding euthanasia with a survey?

Decryption of the survey.

This collective of cancerology practitioners from the Curie Institute benefited from the survey results to put a finger on the feeling of discomfort that often exists between them and the patients when the end-of-life approaches. "How can we not interpret ...

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