VERMONT – Defying the Hippocratic Oath

Health professionals in Vermont are taking a much-needed stand for medical ethics and freedom of conscience through a lawsuit filed in federal court. They oppose a new state requirement that forces them — regardless of their conscience or medical ethics — to provide information to patients about how they can find a doctor who will help kill them.Read more >>

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NEW ZEALAND – Submissions Say No To Assisted Suicide

Family First NZ is welcoming an analysis of submissions made to the Inquiry on assisted suicide showing a 3:1 opposition to any change in the law, and is also calling on ACT MP David Seymour to withdraw his grandstanding bill so that the important conversation around end-of-life care can happen. Read more >>

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NEW MEXICO – Supreme Court Unanimously Rules There is No Right to Assisted Suicide

A unanimous New Mexico Supreme Court gave opponents of assisted suicide a huge victory. On a 5-0 vote, the justices upheld an appeals court decision which ruled that Bernalillo County District Court Judge Nan Nash had erred in 2014 when she struck the decades-old New Mexico Assisted Suicide law which protected the state’s citizens from assisted suicide. Read more >>

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