More states are considering laws granting the terminally ill the right to die

On October 5th, the health committee of Washington DC’s state council will vote on a Dignity in Dying Act brought forward by one of its Democratic members. Like many proposed doctor-assisted-dying laws debated across America in the past year, it is modelled on that of Oregon.

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Euthanasia: all aboard!

NOTE: The original article was published in French in the Huffintgon Post on September 29, 2016 (read original article here >>).


Everyone must push in the same direction. That is how we develop a consensus in Quebec. What counts is that an idea progresses down its path.

Thus, less than a year after the implementation of the law on “medical assisted death”, the proponents of euthanasia-on-demand are already attacking the Commission charged with monitoring its implementation. They are preying ...

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