An interview with the late Dean Stock.
Continue reading Dean Stock: Living with ALSAUG
An interview with the late Dean Stock.
Continue reading Dean Stock: Living with ALSMental illness indirectly affects all Canadians at some time through a family member, friend or colleague. Take some time to learn the facts concerning mental illness.
Continue reading Fast Facts about Mental IllnessA study on physician assisted suicide in Oregon has found that the most common reasons for requesting physician assisted suicide included concerns over future loss of dignity, independence, quality of life, and self-care ability. Concern for future physical symptoms and experiences (e.g. pain) scored higher than concern over physical symptoms and experience at the time of the request. According to family members, the least important reasons for requests of physician assisted suicide were depression, financial concerns, and poor social support. ...
Continue reading Why Oregon patients request assisted death: family members’ views.Judges in Belgium have fined a Roman Catholic care home for refusing to euthanise a 74-year-old woman. Read more >>
Continue reading Care home fined for declining euthanasia requestA newspaper investigation has raised new questions about Dignitas and whether Ludwig Minelli, its founder and director, makes profit from his “mercy killings”. Read more >>
Continue reading Dignitas founder is millionaire