Euthanasia at the Heart of the Federal Election

While the federal election campaign is in full swing, the question of Euthanasia is beginning to make its way among major election issues in healthcare. Indeed, the next federal government will have the mandate to enact a law before February 6 in response to the Supreme Court’s judgment on "medical assistance in dying."

To stimulate discussions, the Ontario Ministry of Health has announced the creation of a second Expert Advisory Group in addition to the Federal External Panel set ...

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Departure of Mr. Nicolas Steenhout

Vivre dans la Dignité announces with regret the departure of Mr. Nicolas Steenhout at the end of his mandate as Director General of our network. We are deeply grateful to Nicolas for his dedication and his achievements during the two years he has spent at the helm of VDD. 
Until the arrival of a new director, our administrative assistant Mr. Aubert Martin will be in charge of all communications and ...
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Contact the Panel and share your point of view

The External Panel on Options for a Legislative Response to Carter v. Canada has announced that it is suspending direct consultations during the election period and that it will resume direct consultations, as soon as practical, following the election on October 19th, 2015. The Panel has also announced its intention to continue a passive approach to consultation during the election period. This means that the web site ( will continue to receive submissions and the on-line consultation tool will ...

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Participate in the expert panel’s consultation

The website for the expert panel on assisted suicide and euthanasia is now public. They announce several upcoming consultation methods which will be made available soon. We urge you to go on the site and leave your details to receive the relevant information once these consultation methods are made available.

Important links:

The site advises that the consultations will target 4 fundamental questions:

  • Different forms of physician-assisted dying (assisted suicide and/or voluntary euthanasia);
  • Eligibility ...
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Living with Dignity and the Physicians’ Alliance against Euthanasia welcome the consultation on legislative options for assisted dying

Vivre dans la Dignité and the Physicians’ Alliance against Euthanasia welcome the creation by the Canadian government, on July 17, of an external expert panel to study the questions of euthanasia and assisted suicide in the wake of the Supreme Court’s Carter decision, and to make recommendations to the government. The committee report is due at the end of the autumn.

Of the three panel members, two are prominent academics who have contributed greatly to improving the care of Canadians who ...

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