Participate in the expert panel’s consultation

The website for the expert panel on assisted suicide and euthanasia is now public. They announce several upcoming consultation methods which will be made available soon. We urge you to go on the site and leave your details to receive the relevant information once these consultation methods are made available.

Important links:

The site advises that the consultations will target 4 fundamental questions:

  • Different forms of physician-assisted dying (assisted suicide and/or voluntary euthanasia);
  • Eligibility ...
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Living with Dignity and the Physicians’ Alliance against Euthanasia welcome the consultation on legislative options for assisted dying

Vivre dans la Dignité and the Physicians’ Alliance against Euthanasia welcome the creation by the Canadian government, on July 17, of an external expert panel to study the questions of euthanasia and assisted suicide in the wake of the Supreme Court’s Carter decision, and to make recommendations to the government. The committee report is due at the end of the autumn.

Of the three panel members, two are prominent academics who have contributed greatly to improving the care of Canadians who ...

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A subtle but real form of coercion

A recent visit to a nursing home in Belgium reveals that residents are bombarded with the idea that euthanasia is a good choice. It was the "fortnight on 'end of life'". An admittedly important subject, but which must be discussed in a balanced way. Here, at the opening of the event, a video was presented, biased in favour of euthanasia. The rest of the program isn't objective either.

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Critical reflection on medical aid in dying

Professor Pierre Deschamps recently published an excellent article (in French) on the topic of medical aid in dying. The article was published in "Les Développements récents", a publication of the Barreau du Québec. The article, entitled L'aide médicale à mourir ou l'instrumentalisation du droit à des fins politiques – Lorsque la fin justifie les moyens (Medical aid in dying or the instrumentilisation of the law for political purposes – when the end justifies the ...

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One more step towards the relaxation of assisted suicide rules

A man who was found guilty of helping his mother kill herself in the Netherlands has just been cleared of any criminal responsibility. This shows a growing openness towards assisted suicide, and is one more step towards the relaxation of rules governing euthanasia and assisted suicide.

In 2008, Mr. Heringa provided his mother with enough pills for a fatal overdose. He was found guilty of that crime in 2013. However, the court didn't punish him, other than finding him guilty. ...

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