Decision of the Supreme Court in the Carter Case: Vulnerable people are most at risk

Montreal, February 6, 2015 - The citizen network Living with Dignity and the Physicians' Alliance against Euthanasia acknowledge today's ruling by the Supreme Court of Canada in Carter v. Canada (Attorney General). By stipulating that Kay Carter was within her rights to demand assisted suicide, and asking the Parliament of Canada to amend the Criminal Code to state that "medical aid in dying" is not a homicide, and therefore should not be penalized, the highest court in the land deeply ...

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Suicide prevention for the elderly vs legalized euthanasia

Suicide prevention week in Quebec is happening from the 1st to the 7th of February 2015. This is an important activity considering the high number of people affected, directly or not, by suicide. An article in the Journal de Montréal this week mentions the high suicide rate for the elderly in Quebec.

"Nearly 150 older people kill themselves annually. Why? They feel alone because of illness and they are unhappy."

The article adds ...

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Bill S-225 isn’t good

Bill S-225 was recently introduced in the Senate of Canada. This bill aims to legalize euthanasia and assisted suicide. It would do this by amending sections 14 and 251 of the Criminal Code of Canada. We oppose the legalization of euthanasia and physician assisted suicide because they are not needed. Efforts should go towards improving proper access to pain and symptom management to everyone who needs it. Efforts should also go towards improving suicide prevention and appropriate access to ...

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Israel has not allowed its first case of euthanasia

Some media report that Israel just allowed euthanasia for the first time. It is not the case. The situation in question isn't a case of euthanasia, but one of withdrawal of treatment. There is a lot of confusion on this topic, and many people confuse euthanasia with withdrawal of treatment (including 22% of people in Quebec).

In this recent Israeli case, the court allowed the disconnection of life support machines keeping a man alive. There is a significant difference ...

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RE: If assisted suicide is a right, how can it not be for all?

Letter sent in response to Andrew Coyne's article If assisted suicide is a right, how can it not be for all?

Andrew Coyne is correct when he states that four years ago parliament voted 226 against 59 against legalizing euthanasia. He is also correct in stating that “much has changed since then”

It is hard to understand how public opinion can appear to have changed in so short a period of time.

In ...

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