UNMASK Campaign

A very nice initiative from Prima Communication. They prepared 11 posters and 2 videos to inform on the abuse of euthanasia and assisted suicide legislation.

The Liberal government is on the verge of reintroducing Bill 52 on the question of end-of-life (including "medical aid in dying" by lethal injection as well as the so-called safeguards from the Belgian model).

Yet, in 12 years, the Belgian safeguards have been abused and are falling down, one after the other.

Is this ...

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Euthanasia is a violent death

It is false that “medical aid in dying” always provides a quiet death. No, euthanasia is a violent gesture, for the person killed as well as for the physician.

Those who wish to legalise “medical aid in dying” state that we must give an easier death for those at end of life. They say that euthanasia is the way to do it. However, there are clear indications that euthanasia often is a rather violent death.

Let’s ...

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Incremental extension of euthanasia laws

There is abuse where euthanasia or assisted suicide is legal. This is irrefutable. People are talking about a "slippery slope", but it would be more accurate to use the term " incremental extension" because it better reflects the current situation in these jurisdictions.

The idea of the "slippery slope" disturbs. Some say you should focus only on the "current issue" and you should ignore "unlikely scenarios". There is nothing unlikely about the many cases of abuse documented in from Netherlands, ...

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In the Netherlands, a woman was euthanized because she had tinnitus

Gaby Olthuis was killed by euthanasia on March 1, 2014 (in Dutch). She was the mother of two children. She was not at end-of-life. She did not have a terminal illness. She suffered from tinnitus, the "perception of sound within the human ear when no actual sound is present".

Yes, Mrs. Olthuis not only asked to be, but was actually killed because she had tinnitus.

According to the Dutch media, she experienced intense and painful noise for a dozen years. ...

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Let’s stop the reintroduction of Bill 52

You may have been wondering where was Living with Dignity during the recent electoral campaign. We kept silent in the hope that nobody would make the electoral promise to legalise “medical aid in dying”. Unfortunately, Mr. Couillard and Mrs. Marois both promised made that promise a few days before the election.

The day after the election, Mister Couillard declared that he wanted to quickly reintroduce Bill 52 in the National Assembly. So there is no ...

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