Jacques Brassard worried by Bill 52

In an open letter to Le Journal de Québec (February 7th 2014) titled "L'euthanasie: légale mais toujours immorale" (Euthanasia: legal but still immoral), the former péquiste MNA Jacques Brassard worried about the "terrible scope" of the assured adoption of Bill 52.

Monsieur Brassard did not mince words:

  • "Provoqued death, euthanasia, is no more dignified than the suicide of a youth or death by homicide."
  • "Eliminating the one who is suffering, even at his request, is not demonstrating proof of compassion."
  • "We can't really speak of a free and informed consent when it pertains to people who are sick, suffering, aging, often desperate and abandoned."
  • "Euthanasia corrupts the doctor's primary ...
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Integral version – Faced with Bill 52, Jean Vanier and Balfour Mount launch an appeal to the conscience

This video presents the testimonies of Jean Vanier and of Balfour Mount against euthanasia and Bill 52, as well as those of Marc Beauchamp, Geneviève Dechêne, Caroline Girouard, Michel Racicot and Nicolas Steenhout.

While the Quebec MNAs are getting ready to vote within the next few days on Bill 52 which aims to legalise euthanasia under the term « medical aid in dying », the real humanity experts are giving out serious words of caution: offering and giving death intentionally to a person by injecting a poison in them will never be ...

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Humanity Experts Condemn Quebec Bill 52

While Quebec MNAs prepare to vote in a few days on Quebec’s Bill 52, which seeks to legalize euthanasia by calling it "medical aid in dying," the true experts in humanity launch a serious warning: to offer to end a person’s life, and to do so by intentionally injecting a poison, will never be medical care, but rather a very serious betrayal of the sick and the dying.

In a powerful video launched today in Montreal, two giants in ...

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Suicide Prevention? Yes. And euthanasia prevention!

Montreal, 27 January, 2014 – Quebec National Suicide Prevention Week will take place from the 2nd to the 8th of February 2014. This year’s theme speaks volume and will certainly be supported by a majority of citizens : “You are important to us. Suicide is not an option.” The Living With Dignity network salutes this important initiative.

At the same time, members of the National Assembly are about to vote on Bill 52, An Act respecting end-of-life care. If passed, this bill ...

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