The National Assembly must be on guard. Bill 52 represents an enormous risk for Quebec.

Montreal, October 29th 2013 – In adopting today the main rudiments of Bill 52 (Law concerning end-of-life care), the National Assembly has committed Quebec down a very perilous path. The network comprising of Living with Dignity and the Collective of Doctors for the Medical Refusal of Euthanasia are extremely disappointed with the results of the vote. The MNAs ignored the warnings they received during the parliamentary commission especially those coming from specialists in palliative care.

We are urging all MNAs to ...

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The Carter decision will have a direct impact on the future and security of all Quebecers

A question of life and death. The Carter decision will have a direct impact on the future and security of all Quebecers.

Quebec , October 10th 2013 – The British Columbia Appeals court has rendered today its verdict on the case Carter v. Canada (Attorney general), 2013 BCCA 435 regarding assisted suicide and overturned its initial decision by a majority vote, chief judge Finch dissenting.

The majority (comprised of judges Saunders and Newbury) noted that the cases' judge was bound by the ...

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Desensitization to euthanasia after ten years

La Libre survey demonstrates that 70% of Belgians accept the idea of euthanasia for children and people with dementia. Ten years after the legalization of euthanasia in their country, the people seem to have become comfortable with the idea. Is this what will happen in Quebec if Bill 52 is adopted?

The members of the parliamentary commission on Bill 52, particularly Véronique Hivon, MNA for Joliette and Minister of Social Services and Youth protection, assures us that the bill will not apply to children or people with dementia. But however, as ...

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About-face and impact for people with disabilities – 8th day of public consultation

The parliamentary commission on Bill 52 has heard from five groups on this 8th day of public consultation. It has been suggested to separate medical aid in dying from palliative care and to elaborate another law concerning medical aid in dying. One of the groups has radically changed positions and no longer supports the bill while another group has stated that they are very preoccupied with the impact a law such as this may have and what risks it would pose to ...

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