Bill filed on questions relating to end-of-life and euthanasia (disguised as medical help)

The Physicians' Alliance Against Euthanasia and the citizen network Living with Dignity will comment on the new bill filed by minister Véronique Hivon. Press Release (french).

Tomorrow, Wednesday June 12th, the bill relating to questions of end-of-life and euthanasia (under the euphemism medical aid in dying) will be filed at the National Assembly.

11h15- 12h15 Press conference with Mme Véronique Hivon, Social Services and Youth Protection minister- Bill concerning end-of-life/ National Assembly room 1.30, Pamphile-LeMay Building.

To hear the conference at 11:15, ...

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In Belgium: making it mandatory for doctors refusing to euthanize to refer the patient to a colleague who will under threat of disciplinary sanctions

Belgium- The reunited commissions of Social Affairs and Senate Justice finished yesterday with organized auditions in light of an eventual extension of the law partially decriminalizing euthanasia, the last specialists to speak concentrated on certain refusals to practise euthanasia experienced the current context, notably in cases concerning psychic pathologists.

The two commission presidents, Elke Sleurs (N-VA) et Alain Courtois (MR), will meet tomorrow, Thursday to agree on a time frame for the remainder of the work. The political debates could ...

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Yes to palliative care, no to provoked death

Yes to palliative care for all, everywhere. Let us work together on what unites us rather than on what divides us.

No to provoked death - the security of healthcare centers is not negotiable!

We must react!

According to la Presse, tomorrow, Friday, a bill will be filed on the right to euthanasia.

According to le Soleil- the bill is ready

Yes to palliative care

No to agressive therapy

Neither euthanasie, nor assisted suicide

Watch the 30 second ad

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The Barbarian Invasions

This video is a conference by Dr Serge Daneault on Euthanasia in Belgium.

Dr Daneault is a doctor who has been working for the advancement of palliative care at home and at the Notre Dame hospital for the past 20 years. Researcher, author, speaker and medicine professor at the Université de Montréal.

Recorded May 11th in Montreal at the seminar « Let us protect the most vulnerable ».

This video is in French only.

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Publicity campaign: Killing is not healthcare

MONTREAL, May 5th 2013 /CNW Telbec/ - The publicity campaign Killing is not healthcare is currently in full swing in the Quebec mainstream media. The Living with Dignity and Collective of Doctors for the Medical Refusal of Euthanasia organisations have joined efforts in order to heighten public awareness to the inherent risks of the legalisation of doctor provoked-death. The Quebec government is actually planning to legalise « medical aid in dying », which in reality is nothing other than euthanasia ...

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