UNITED STATES (OREGON): Oregon Bill Would Allow Starvation of Alzheimer’s Patients, Could Set Up Death Panels:

A bill introduced in the Oregon Senate would drastically alter current advance directive laws, diminishing the effects of powers of attorney and allowing incapacitated patients to be refused ordinary food and water. It would also mandate the formation of an unelected state committee to create a new advance directive form. Read more >>

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UNITED STATES (OREGON): Oregon 2016 assisted suicide report. Under-reporting of assisted suicide deaths?

The 2016 Oregon annual assisted suicide report is similar to prior years. The report implies that the deaths were voluntary (self-administered), but the information in the report does not address that subject. Read more >>

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UNITED STATES (NEW YORK): Court ruling doesn’t allow doctor-assisted suicides in N.Y.

Mentally competent, terminally ill patients have a right to refuse medical treatment in New York State — but doctors do not have the right to help them die, the Appellate Division in Manhattan ruled. Read more >>

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