Why Oregon patients request assisted death: family members’ views.

A study on physician assisted suicide in Oregon has found that the most common reasons for requesting physician assisted suicide included concerns over future loss of dignity, independence, quality of life, and self-care ability. Concern for future physical symptoms and experiences (e.g. pain) scored higher than concern over physical symptoms and experience at the time of the request. According to family members, the least important reasons for requests of physician assisted suicide were depression, financial concerns, and poor social support. ...

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Recent Trends in Euthanasia and Other End-of-Life Practices in Belgium

A study was published in the NEJM on March 19, 2015 on the experience with euthanasia in the Flanders region of Belgium examined 3751 deaths in the first six months of 2013 in the Flanders region of Belgium and concluded that 1.7% of all deaths were hastened without request (representing more than 1000 deaths yearly), euthanasia represents 4.6% of all deaths although the official Belgian reports indicate that euthanasia represents 2.4% of all deaths, meaning that almost half of all ...

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