Over the last few weeks, we have shared our web series “Because Life is Worth Living” with thousands of Internet users. More than 17,000 combined views on Facebook and YouTube!
Unfortunately, our press release sent to the media did not generate any press coverage, so we are counting on you more than ever to circulate in your networks the ideas that are dear to you in order to accompany suffering or dying people with dignity. In this time of progressive deconfinement following the Covid-19 health crisis, we hope that hearts and minds will be more willing to put forward policies that value palliative care and the dignity of every human life. Wishing you a summer season that will allow you to be reunited with all your loved ones!

New expression for the Alliance des Maisons de soins palliatifs
New deadline for Bill C-7
Euthanasia for mental suffering: Belgian doctors ask for a review of the law
In a new document from the Alliance des Maisons de soins palliatifs, the expression “Maisons de soins palliatifs (et de fin de vie) du Québec” (Palliative care and end-of-life homes) is now being used. To reflect on palliative care, see the book “À tire-d’ailes…” by our president, Dr. Patrick Vinay.

New expression for the Alliance des Maisons de soins palliatifs
New deadline for Bill C-7
Euthanasia for mental suffering: Belgian doctors ask for a review of the law

For the past few weeks, social media has been relaying three video vignettes produced by Living with Dignity (LWD) to illustrate with delicacy and freshness this conviction shared by the majority of Quebecers: yes, it’s worth living! And this, in spite of everything. If we had to be convinced of this, the current pandemic will have confirmed it to us as countless citizens face a deadly virus with courage and determination. Many have even paid for it with their lives.
For 10 years now, LWD has been multiplying initiatives, public interventions and resources in order to defend the life and inalienable dignity of every person, regardless of their state of health. The goal is to promote respectful care for each person as their life comes to an end, thanks to palliative care. The importance of this awareness and support work is now obvious. As is the need to continue and accentuate our awareness and networking work to ensure that the dignity of the most vulnerable is respected.
No non-profit organization such as Living with Dignity can hope to survive without the support of citizens who share its vision and desire for change. In order for our voice to carry and reach political and social leaders, as well as those in public health, WE NEED TO INCREASE THE RANKS OF VDD. The more we are, the better we will be heard, especially as our courts and elected officials seek to make euthanasia available to more people.
Stay INFORMED: sign up for our monthly newsletter, visit our website, attend an advance care planning workshop. Becoming informed means becoming better able to share our ideas and do our part to ensure that we live in a country that respects the life and dignity of each and every one of its citizens.
VISIT OUR WEBSITE to learn more about our vision, mission and goals (https://vivredignite.org/en/about-us/mission/).
BECOME OUR ALLY by signing our Manifesto for a dignified and natural end of life and for the promotion of quality health care in Quebec (https://vivredignite.org/en/about-us/declaration/) and invite your family and friends to become allies of VDD.
If all our allies become regular donors by giving only $25 per year, we will be better able to meet our financial challenges. Any additional amount is obviously welcome since some projects require large amounts of money. You may donate online (https://vivredignite.org/en/get-involved-2/donations) or send a cheque to the following address:
Living with Dignity
P.O. Box 48654
Montreal, QC
H2V 4T9
Michèle Boulva
Vice president, LWD