The Belgian experience, 10 years after: Broadening the law relating to euthanasia. Can a perverse law be “perfectionned”?

Broadening the law relating to euthanasia. Can a perverse law be « perfectionned »?

Published by M. Jacques ZEEGERS(Columnist). 12/04/2013 at 12h27

The propositions aiming to broaden the law's field of application relating to euthanasia and presently before the Belgian parliament are justified, according to their authors, by a finding : The 2002 law contained « imperfections ». This justification already calls for a first comment. In order to perfection a law, it would already have to be a good law in itself. As soon as a law is found to be perverse – and it's the case of this law that authorises a doctor to give...

Read Broadening the law relating to euthanasia.Can a perverse law be perfectionned?

Minors, juridically capable... only for euthanasia?

Published par Quentin DEPRETER(Student). 12/04/2013 at 12h31

Since 2009, the sale of tobacco is forbidden to minors. Why ? The answer is written on each package of cigarettes : « Smoking kills ». And euthanasia, that, doesn't kill ? Oh yes, it's true, it's different : By practicing euthanasia the doctor doesn't kill but « gives death ». Minors for whom the law does not allow the capability of discernment in order to buy cigarettes, may be considered capable of making the much more radical choice of taking away their own lives? The adolescent...

Read Minors juridically capable...only for euthanasia?