Press Conference – Rushed adoption of Bill 52: a parody of democracy that invites legal challenges

MONTREAL, May 21, 2014 – Media representatives are invited to a joint press conference with the Physicians’ Alliance against Euthanasia and the citizen network Living with Dignity. At this time, the spokespersons of both groups will announce their intention to challenge the possible adoption of Bill 52 by the National Assembly. The spokespersons will be available to answer questions.


Thursday, May 22, 2014

Statements (2:00 p.m.)

Opportunity for interviews (2:15 p.m. to  3:00 p.m.)


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Medical aid in dying – From one totalitarian party to another

At a meeting held on May 15 at the Good Shepherd Church in Brossard, with about 75 persons present, Dr. Barrette made a few surprising declarations in a speech full of half-truths and errors about the content of Bill 52 which aims, among other things, to decriminalize euthanasia under the euphemism of «medical aid in dying».

The Minister of Health stated that, earlier in the day, he had made a two hour presentation to the ...

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High risk for people with disabilities in intensive care

I often think about the recent news that intensive care physicians in Belgium say that involuntary euthanasia is not only acceptable, but desirable. It is one of the most recent elements in the discussion about euthanasia. There are several aspects of this discussion that, once put together like pieces of a jigsaw puzzle, scare me.

Healthcare providers can have a much more negative perception of quality of life after an injury or an illness than ...

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UNMASK Campaign

A very nice initiative from Prima Communication. They prepared 11 posters and 2 videos to inform on the abuse of euthanasia and assisted suicide legislation.

The Liberal government is on the verge of reintroducing Bill 52 on the question of end-of-life (including "medical aid in dying" by lethal injection as well as the so-called safeguards from the Belgian model).

Yet, in 12 years, the Belgian safeguards have been abused and are falling down, one after the other.

Is this ...

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Euthanasia is a violent death

It is false that “medical aid in dying” always provides a quiet death. No, euthanasia is a violent gesture, for the person killed as well as for the physician.

Those who wish to legalise “medical aid in dying” state that we must give an easier death for those at end of life. They say that euthanasia is the way to do it. However, there are clear indications that euthanasia often is a rather violent death.

Let’s ...

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