On election day, voters in Colorado will have a big decision to make: whether to approve an initiative that would allow terminally ill patients to obtain a prescription for drugs to end their lives. Read more >>
On election day, voters in Colorado will have a big decision to make: whether to approve an initiative that would allow terminally ill patients to obtain a prescription for drugs to end their lives. Read more >>
In early July, Betsy Davis emailed her closest friends and relatives to invite them to a two-day party. The 41-year-old artist with ALS, or Lou Gehrig’s disease, held the gathering to say goodbye before becoming one of the first Californians to take a lethal dose of drugs under the state’s new doctor-assisted suicide law for the terminally ill. Read more >>
Continue Reading → CALIFORNIA – Terminally ill are saying goodbye with assisted suicide parties
The end-of-life wishes of a gold medallist at the Paralympics have again raised the question of what makes a person eligible for euthanasia in Belgium. Read more >>
Continue Reading → BELGIUM – Gold medallist paralympian from Belgium seeks euthanasia
Prevalence of euthanasia and assisted suicide tourism in Europe raises concerns for the future of assisted suicide in the United States. Read more >>
Continue Reading → BELGIUM – Euthanasia Marketplace
Australia’s popular radio and TV personality Andrew Denton has embarked upon a crusade to legalise euthanasia. He recently lashed out at a "subterranean Catholic force" of politicians and businessmen who are trying to frustrate popular demand for a peaceful death. This is an example of the “label as religious – in particular, Roman Catholic - and dismiss” strategy of pro-euthanasia advocates. Read more >>