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In January, the court hearings began for two Quebec people living with disability who are contesting the Federal and Provincial law requiring people to be “at the end of life” or for whom natural death is “reasonably foreseeable” in order to be admissible for euthanasia. In other words, the two plaintiffs are asking for the state to provide them with a doctor who will ...
Continue Reading → Euthanasia: When the Means Justify the Ends
The Act Respecting End-of-Life Care was sold to us as "first and foremost, a law of access to quality palliative care throughout the territory, at the patient's choice.” When it was adopted – not so long ago – its promoters insisted that it only legalized "medical aid in dying" (euthanasia) as an "exceptional measure for exceptional cases."
However it is now obvious that, almost four years since the day of its adoption and close to three years after its coming ...
Continue Reading → Our right to quality palliative care