Expected extensions require court approval

In light of the events of last month, it seems that requests to extend euthanasia do not take holidays.

In Quebec, barely a month after the publication of a letter by the secretary of the College of Physicians – in which he expressed his concern about a growing “pressure demanding a form of death à la carte” and in which he denounced those who interpret refusals of euthanasia as a form of exclusion – lawyer Jean-Pierre Ménard is challenging before ...

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Behind Euthanasia: Existential Distress

A Canadian study recently examined the reasons behind euthanasia cases in four major hospitals in the Toronto area.

The results of the study demonstrate that the main factor behind euthanasia deaths relates to existential distress. Indeed, the primary reason given by patients concerned the loss of autonomy – and not the unbearable pain that was conveniently sold to us from the beginning. Other reasons included fear of becoming a burden to those around them, fear of losing ...

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Behind the mountain of numbers

The month of April ended with the publication of the first federal interim report on euthanasia and assisted suicide in Canada.

According to the report, there were 970 people who committed suicide with the assistance of a physician across the country. Nearly half of the euthanasia cases (463) occurred in Quebec during the first year of the Act Respecting End-of-Life Care, while the other half (504 cases of euthanasia and 3 assisted suicides) occurred in the rest of Canada ...

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Killing by lethal injection: a psychological torment

Who said that medical aid in dying is not killing? When one uses the right words, logic and common sense do the rest:

Medical aid in dying = lethal injection = euthanasia = killing = psychological torment for executioners & psychological torment for doctors.


Killing (medical aid in dying / euthanasia / assisted suicide) is not a health care.


"Unlike the “kill or be killed” mindset in war or other forms of self-defense, carrying out executions felt very much like participating ...

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