When the suffering of one becomes the misery of others

NOTE: The original article was published in French in the Huffintgon Post on September 29, 2016 (read original article here >>).


Recently, a lady told me that she had just lost her brother who died suddenly, three days after a fall on the sidewalk. Unfortunately, the circumstances of his death leave some doubt as to the exact cause of death. Is it due to his cancer, discovered a few days earlier? Is it related to his psychiatric problems? Is ...

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Euthanasia: all aboard!

NOTE: The original article was published in French in the Huffintgon Post on September 29, 2016 (read original article here >>).


Everyone must push in the same direction. That is how we develop a consensus in Quebec. What counts is that an idea progresses down its path.

Thus, less than a year after the implementation of the law on “medical assisted death”, the proponents of euthanasia-on-demand are already attacking the Commission charged with monitoring its implementation. They are preying ...

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Compassion redefined


NOTE: The original article was published in French in the Huffintgon Post on September 2, 2016 (read original article here >>).


To die of hunger, to put a bag over one’s head until complete asphyxia, to shoot oneself in the heart… because we are sick, because we do not live at home any longer, because we have lost the use of our limbs, because we feel depressed with our lives.

Regardless of the method or motivation, are we are still ...

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Free and informed consent?

NOTE: The original article was published in French in the Huffintgon Post on July 20, 2016 (read original article here >>).

Free and informed consent?

We learned in The Gazette (>>) that there have been ministerial modifications to conform the Act respecting end-of-life care to the federal law. Among other changes, a reflection period of 10 days has been added as well as the validation of a request by two independent witnesses. In short, measures to reduce the risks associated with a ...

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Open letter to Mme Véronique Hivon

Living with Dignity supports the freedom of palliative care professionals at the MUHC (and in any hospital) who want to preserve safe spaces for patients. Here we reproduce an open letter to Mrs Véronique Hivon to denounce her attack against the MUHC palliative care unit who refuse to euthanize their patients.

Open letter to Mme Véronique Hivon

Mme Hivon:

You label as « ideology » the decision made by the McGill University Health Centre to not euthanize patients on the palliative care ward.

“The ...

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