Emmanuelle Béart supports palliative care, not euthanasia

French actress Emmanuelle Béart explains how her opinion has changed regarding end of life following the role she played in the French film « Ma compagne de nuit ». She played the role of Julia, a woman with advanced cancer, who choses to live out the rest of her days at home.

In an interview, Béart affirms that instead of talking about euthanasia we should be insuring acess to palliative care. She further explains:

« How do we help someone who is dying to live fully until the end? Maybe by trying to find with them another meaning to life, or by tasting other forms of life's pleasure? A sunbeam, a glass of wine, or a simple look become important. Perhaps a final meeting in order to reconcile ourselves with someone we love… For me that question there captivates me much more than euthanasia. »

Emmanuelle Béart explains how she accompanied her grandmother, who died of cancer, during her last days. They often found themselves feeling very alone face to face with the system shortcomings and a great lack of ressources.

It became obvious to her during her preparations for the film shooting that the needs of the sick evolve as time passes. Thus, the expressing of a wish to die is often a disguised request for help; and when that help is offered to accompagny them in living,  patients no longer request death.

« Some can't go on, they ask that we help them to die. But when we propose to accompagny them, when we take care of their physical pain and their psychological suffering, when we accompany their family, because for them the journey is very hard, the request for death often ceases. »