Living together and how to die? Two people, two celebrations, two distinct prides?!

While in Quebec, it's the day of filing of a bill relating to questions on end-of-life which would allow for euthanasia disguised as medical aid in dying- and some people will certainly rejoice at the coming of prematurely-provoqued death under certain circumstances within its health system...

Elsewhere in Japan, the dean of humanity is no more...since yesterday. He died following complications from pneumonia at the age of 116 years. M. Kimura was the oldest person on the planet amoung all men and women.

The Japanese head of government spoke of M. Kimura:

"You have made the Japanese people very proud".

With what kind of pride do the Quebec people want to be looked upon by the international community??

The Japanese Jiroemon Kimura, here with one of his gread-great-grandchildren, dean of humanity at 116 years of age, died Wednesday near Kyoto following complications from pneumonia.

TOKYO (Reuters) - Jiroemon Kimura
, a Japanese dean of humanity at 116 years of age, died Wednesday near Kyoto following complications from pneumonia, the Japanese media report.

Kimura, who had seven children, 14 grandchildren, 25 great-grandchildren and 15 great-great-grandchildren, was the oldest man on the planet since December 17th 2012.

Born in 1897, the year when Queen Victoria celebrated her jubilee in Great-Britain, he worked for the mail before becoming a farmer.

On the occasion of his 115th birthday, he attributed his longevity to his love for sun and light. "I always look towards the sky, that is how I am", he said.

Source:é-un-japonais-meurt-à-116 ans-

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