- December 30, 2016: The government of Ontario proposes legislation to complement the federal law by requiring that all euthanasia and assisted suicide cases be reported to the Coroner. Read more
- December 29, 2016: 744 cases of euthanasia occurred in Canada in 2016 and half of them were in Quebec. Read more
- December 13, 2016: The Government of Canada announces an independent study on medically assisted suicide which will review issues related to requests by mature minors, advance requests, and requests where mental illness is the sole underlying medical condition. Read more here and here
- December 12, 2016: Demand for medically assisted death continues to rise in Alberta. The province had been averaging 2 to 4 deaths per week from June to September, but that rate has since gone up to about 3 to 5 per week. Read more here and here
- December 11, 2016: Nurses in Alberta are authorized to provide medically assisted suicide. Read more
- December 6, 2016: The professional associations of physicians, pharmacists, nurses, lawyers, notaries and social workers all urge the Quebec Minister of Justice to quickly refer the federal law on assisted suicide to the court of appeals. Read more
- December 5, 2016: According to a national report, nearly 250,000 elderly Canadians have been financially abused. Read more
- November 21, 2016: Two hospitals in Winnipeg decide not to provide physician-assisted suicide and will transfer patients to other facilities. Read more
- November 11, 2016: According to a qualitative study on assisted suicide, many physicians are uncomfortable with being involved in the processing requests for assisted suicide. Read more
- September 29, 2016: The investigation concerning the possible leak of the text of the bill on euthanasia and assisted suicide to a journalist before its adoption has concluded. While the charges were dropped, the mystery has not been resolved. Read more
- September 27, 2016: Alberta Health Services announced that the number of requests for medical aid to die (euthanasia and/or assisted suicide) is much higher than expected (more than 4 people per week), which requires it to consider recruiting more staff to manage the surprising volume of requests. Read more
- September 7, 2016: The government of Quebec affirms that it has no intention of submitting the federal law on medical assistance to die before the Quebec Court of Appeals to obtain a review of its constitutionality, given that the law is already being challenged in the Supreme Court of British Columbia. Read more
- September 6, 2016: The federal law is already contested in court in order to extend its scope to persons who are not eligible. Read more
- September 2, 2016: A census of the CBC reports that more than 120 people died by euthanasia or assisted suicide in Canada since the introduction of the federal bill C-14 in June, though this remains unclear because of insufficient sources. Read more
- August 30, 2016:Alberta bishops issue directives to guide the priests in their discernment regarding the possibility of refusing funerals in some cases of euthanasia or assisted suicide. Read more
- August 11, 2016: The Canadian Bar Association is asking the federal government to change the law to widen the range. Read more
- August 10, 2016: The media reports hat the Justin Trudeau’s Government has made considerable efforts – and expensive – to repatriate to Ottawa the Emergency Minister of International Development an Francophonie so that she could participate in the adoption of the bill on medical aid in dying. Read more
- August 8, 2016 : The media reports that the Federal Minister of Justice, Jody Wilson Raybould has hired a consultant who opposed the decision of the Supreme Court to lift the ban on medical aid in dying. Read more
- June 27, 2016: A group from British Columbia launches a lawsuit to expand the federal law on assisted suicide. Read more here and here
- June 22, 2016: A group representing more than 4700 Christian doctors challenges the obligation to refer requests for euthanasia as required by the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario Read more
- June 17, 2016: The Senate adopts the latest version of the proposed bill here here that officially becomes the newest federal legislation in receiving royal assent. Read more here, here and here
- June 15, 2016: The Senate proposes amendments to the proposed bill C-14; the House of Commons returns the proposed bill by refusing the main amendment of the Senate that would remove the requirement of "reasonably foreseeable death".
- June 8, 2016: Senate members vote an amendment to Bill C-14 to remove the reference to a "reasonably foreseeable death" (41 votes against 31).
- June 6, 2016: Euthanasia and assisted suicide are officially decriminalized in Canada although no law regulates their practice.
- June 1, 2016: Hundreds of people, MPs and members of the Senate gathered on Parliament Hill in Ottawa to voice their opposition to the legalization of euthanasia and assisted suicide in Canada.
- May 31, 2016: Bill C-14 on assisted suicide is approved in the House of Commons to be sent to the Senate in order to be studied and amended. Read more
- May 17, 2016: The Standing Senate Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs tabled its report with suggestions for amendments regarding the content of Bill C-14.
- May 12, 2016: The Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights tabled a report with suggestions for amendments to Bill C-14.
- May 5, 2016: MP Mark Warawa introduces as a private member Bill C-268 in the House of Commons. Bill C-268, called the Protection of Freedom of Conscience Act, seeks to protect the conscience rights of health care professionals in light of the arrival of assisted suicide and euthanasia in Canada.
- May 4, 2016: The principle of Bill C-14 is adopted by a margin of 235 to 75, which sends it to the Committee on Justice and Human Rights where it will be studied for amendments before it is introduced in the Senate. Read more
- April 21, 2016: The Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights begins its study of Bill C-14, An Act to amend the Criminal Code and to make related amendments to other Acts (physician assisted dying). Committee's website
- April 14, 2016: Presentation of the Bill by the Liberal government which will legalize assisted suicide and euthanasia across Canada. See Bill in detail
- April 1, 2016: The media report a first request for euthanasia in Newfoundland. The article exemplifies a dangerous trend in the media: the promotion of assisted suicide, even calling for a second doctor willing to euthanize the person in question. Read more
- March 30, 2016: The palliative care centers of New Brunswick announce that they do not intend to offer "medical aid in dying" to their patients. They point out that their "objectives are quality of life, pain relief and helping people live as well as possible until the end of their life" but "to hasten someone's death is not part of [their] work." Read more
- March 18, 2016: A first Ontarian dies by euthanasia with the approval of the Court.
- March 15, 2016: A patient in Manitoba is granted the right to die by euthanasia ("medical aid in dying").
- March 1st, 2016: A Calgary woman receives a legal exemption to die with the intervention of two doctors. She became the first person in Canada outside of Quebec to be allowed to die that way.
- February 25, 2016: Publication of the report of the Special Joint Committee on Physician-Assisted death, containing a dissenting report of Committee members who did not approve the "majority" report which prioritizes access to death rather than the protection of the living. Read our press release
- February 19, 2016: Liberals suspend decision to whip vote on assisted-dying bill. Read more
- February 17, 2016: Party line criticized by Liberal members. Read more
- February 11, 2016: Liberals announce that its members will have to vote in favour of the law to be proposed on Assisted Suicide (voting the party line). Read more
- January 18, 2016: Beginning of the work and public hearings of the Special Joint Committee on Physician Assisted Death, mandated by the Federal governement to make recommendations on euthanasia and assisted suicide.
- January 15, 2016: The Supreme Court of Canada gives the federal government a four-month extension (until June 2016) to formulate and pass legislation to comply with the Carter decision allowing assisted suicide in Canada. Read more
- January 11, 2016: Hearing on the request of the Federal government for an additional six months to have time to rewrite the law related to assisted suicide.